Gere Winery – Villány Region

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Attila Gere is an iconic figure of Hungary’s wine scene. He established the Gere Winery just after the regime change in 1991. Gere is not only one of the pioneers of quality winemaking in Hungary after the change of regimes, but he is also a pioneer in Hungarian wine tourism.

During the same year that Gere founded his winery, he also established Hungary’s first winery hotel. Now Gere is synonymous with the Villány region, and Villány is synonymous with Gere. Gere was named Winemaker of the Year in 1994, a prestigious award in Hungary, and in 1997 he released the first vintage of Gere Kopar, which has become, arguably, Hungary’s most iconic red wine. These days, Gere Kopar, is one of the rare wines in Hungary that is sold en primeur (which means it is sold in advance of its release), due to its high demand. 

The Gere Winery has been organically farming its 70 hectares of vineyards since 2010, and they are experimenting with varieties which are unusual to the region, such as Tempranillo. They are also growing exciting ancient Carpathian Basin varieties which are close to extinction, such as Fekete Járdovány, Bakator, Purcsin, Csóka, and others.

Our wine selection from the Gere Winery


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